Saturday, May 25, 2013

Like my Doctor

No, not "like" the way it is used now in social media. I like my doctor, meaning I think he is a great doctor and I like him. Sure I had uncertainties initially but he is proving himself. And who is to say that there isn't something to Buddhist philosophies and practices relating to connection of body and spirit.

All I know is that I have never seen anyone more analytical and more compassionate in equal measures. Time will tell but I am feeling better on a daily basis and there is just as much stress and pressure in my life.

Ask me and I will provide a direct recommendation as I obviously won't post his name (or more details about me) on-line.

See you.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Eagle wing and Sparrow wing

An interesting analogy was directed at me recently. Or a metaphor or simile. If I was more literary or less Texan I would know the correct term.

It was the aspect of having a knowledge wing the size of an eagle and a compassion wing the size of a sparrow. Imagine how hard it is to soar that way.

Of course it makes sense if knowledge and compassion were the only wings needed to soar much less fly at all. But I will give the sage that.

So how to grow the compassion wing? That is the question. I can't see trimming the eagle wing. Can you?